JA New Brunswick

Success Starts Here

JA New Brunswick Announces Keynote Speaker in Fredericton

Junior Achievement New Brunswick is pleased to announce Susan Holt, Chief of Business Relationships for the Government of New Brunswick as the Keynote Speaker at the 2016 Futures Unlimited Banquet on March 30th in Fredericton.  

Susan Holt is the Chief of Business Relationships for the Government of New Brunswick, serving as economic policy advisor to the Premier and Cabinet. Prior to this challenging role, Susan was the President and CEO of the New Brunswick Business Council, a unique group of CEOs of the province's largest and most successful businesses. She led these titans of industry in their work to help build a more competitive and growing economy in New Brunswick.

Susan also led the Fredericton Chamber of Commerce after more than a decade of working around the world, in places like Toronto, Australia, and India for well-known technology     leaders such as Xerox, Manpower, HP, Cognos/IBM and more recently Blackberry, in sales and human resources management roles.

Susan exercises her passion for STEM outreach and youth as a vice chair of the board for Actua, a national non-profit. She is also vice chair of the board of the Fredericton Playhouse.

Susan holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Economics from Queen's University. Susan was a Junior Achiever while at FHS, just a few short years ago...

For information on purchasing tickets, please contact Connie Woodside, President & CEO at jafrednb@nb.aibn.com or 506-455-6552.