Digital Middle School Enrichment Programs
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Dollars With Sense
JA Dollars with Sense is for students in grades 7-9. This is an interactive program that helps young learners develop personal money management skills and apply them to their daily lives. Students will find out how they can make informed consumer decisions and understand different money management practices.
Economics for Success
Inspiring students in grades 8-10 to stay in school, students take a closer look at the advantages of continued education, as well as learn what’s needed to succeed in today’s workforce. Payroll deductions and taxes help students understand how their work helps pay for public infrastructure and services.
A Business of Our Own
Students in grades 3-6 learn how to start a business, promote their products, track their finances and manage a team. The program uses blended learning and game-based technology to engage students and ignite their passion for business. In addition to in-class lessons, budding entrepreneurs can continue their learning at home using JA’s online business simulator.
Our Business World
Our Business World is for students in grades 5 to 6. The focus of the program is on the power of Canadian entrepreneurial spirit in a free enterprise system. Students learn by doing through fun, relevant activities and can apply the lessons learned to help them succeed tomorrow.
Investment Strategies
JA’s Investment Strategies program (ISP) teaches students in grades 8-11 how to save and invest for the future. The program includes both interactive classroom lessons and an online stock market simulation, Invest JA, where students manage their own simulated stock portfolio. The simulation is linked to live data from North American stock markets and is an exciting, risk-free way for students to apply the investing principles they learn in the program.