The Junior Achievement Company Program is an 18 Week after school program for high school students to learn valuable financial and entrepreneurial skills by starting and operating their very own business. Under the mentorship of business professionals in the community, students learn what it takes to run a successful business. From product selection to payroll, the students run the show!
Choosing a Product to Sell
Students brainstorm ideas and create prototypes of products they are interested in selling. The students are in charge of choosing their product, packaging, and naming their company. They receive support from Company Program Mentors with various professional backgrounds.
Once their products are selected, students are responsible for sourcing the materials needed to create the product. Using the materials they selected, the students produce their goods and ensure the products are fit for sale to the public.
Selling to the Community
The students determine the price their products sell for with advice from their Company Program Mentors. They sell their products in a variety of ways - including local markets, word of mouth sales, marketing online and going door-to-door selling in their communities.
Celebrating Achievements
At the conclusion of the Program, JANB hosts the Futures Unlimited Gala. Business professionals in the community are invited to attend to celebrate the accomplishments of the students. The students reflect on everything they have learned throughout the program and are recognized for their accomplishments through both individual and team awards.
“The first company I ever ran .............was a Junior Achievement company.
The first company Rosalyn ever ran ..........was a Junior Achievement company.
The first time we struggled to make payroll, fulfil customer orders, experienced productivity or safety issues in manufacturing was as teenagers under the stewardship of seasoned Junior Achievement advisors volunteering their time.
The first time we celebrated the thrill of reaching sales goals, achieving break-even and issuing dividends to shareholders, we were championed by JA staff, volunteers and fellow achievers.”
The Junior Achievement New Brunswick Company Program runs yearly from October to March. If you are interested in participating in the Company Program, contact to learn more.